Our Team

From sales to delivery and every step in between, everyone at Legends Distributing plays an important role in bringing our suppliers' quality products to our retailers.

Our Management Team

erin tyler gm
Erin started her career at Legends in 2006 as a Sales Representative
Erin Tyler
General Manager
matt tirschman sales manager
Matt started his career at Legends as a Sales Representative.
Matt Tirschman
Sales Manager
carl beck operations manager
Carl started his career at Legends in 2020.
Carl Beck
Operations Manager
david sherman accounting manager
David started his career at Legends in 2014 as the Accounting Manager.
David Sherman
Accounting Manager
susan punchur hr manager
Susan started her career at Legends in 2022.
Susan Punchur
Human Resource Manager
nicole baublitz warehouse manager
Nicole started her career at Legends as an office assistant in 2002. She has held many positions across all departments in her time at Legends.
Nicole Baublitz
Warehouse Manager
greg dorsey delivery manager
Greg started his career at Legends as a Delivery Driver in 2021.
Greg Dorsey
Delivery Manager
colleen cardellina brand manager
Colleen started her career at Legends as a Sales Representative in 2013.
Colleen Cardellina
Brand Manager
steve boyle asm
Steve started his career at Legends as a Sales Representative in 2013.
Steve Boyle
Area Sales Manager Baltimore & North East Maryland
ed davis md asm
Ed started his career at Legends as a Sales Representative in 2013.
Ed Davis
Area Sales Manager Central & Western Maryland
taylor dean asm
Taylor started his SFC career at Seaboard products in 2013 and then transferred to Legends in 2014 as a Sales Representative.
Taylor Dean
Area Sales Manager Eastern Shore, Annapolis & Southern Maryland
mary gorman dc manager
Mary started her career at Legends as a Merchandiser in 2018.
Mary Gorman
Area Sales Manager Washington, DC
jason sears night shift supervisor
Jason started his career at Legends as an Order Selector in 2018.
Jason Sears
Night Shift Supervisor